Finding the Teacher

It’s important that the teacher understands the process of
Dependent Origination well! The Buddha told us that "One who
sees Dependent Origination sees the Dhamma; one who sees the
Dhamma, sees Dependent Origination." MN 28:28
When the student is ready, the teacher will
In the Canon we found this information about
finding a teacher:
Nidānavagga (II. The Book on Causation)
Nidānasaṃyutta found on page 620 of "The
connected Discourses of the Buddha/ Saṃyutta Nikāya by Bhikkhu
Bodhi from Wisdom Publications
82 (1) A Teacher
At Sāvatthi. " Bhikkhus, one who does not
know and see as it really is
aging-and-death [maraṇa], its origin, its
cessation, and the way leading to its cessation, should search
for a teacher in order to know this as it really is.
" Bhikkhus, one who does not know and see as
it really is birth [jāti], its origin, its cessation, and
the way leading to its cessation, should search for a teacher in
order to know this as it really is.
"Bhikkhus, one who does not know and see as
it really is existence [habitual tendencies]- [bhava],
its origin, its cessation, and the way leading to its cessation,
should search for a teacher in order to know this as it really
" Bhikkhus, one who does not know and see as
it really is clinging-[upādāna], its origin, its
cessation, and the way leading to its cessation, should search
for a teacher in order to know this as it really is.
" Bhikkhus, one who does not know and see as
it really is craving-[taṇhā], its origin, its cessation,
and the way leading to its cessation, should search for a
teacher in order to know this as it really is.
" Bhikkhus, one who does not know and see as
it really is feeling-[vedanā], its origin, its cessation,
and the way leading to its cessation, should search for a
teacher in order to know this as it really is.
" Bhikkhus, one who does not know and see as
it really is contact-[phassa], its origin, its cessation,
and the way leading to its cessation, should search for a
teacher in order to know this as it really is.
" Bhikkhus, one who does not know and see as
it really is six sense bases-[saḷāyathana], its origin,
its cessation, and the way leading to its cessation, should
search for a teacher in order to know this as it really is.
" Bhikkhus, one who does not know and see as
it really is name-and-form [mentality-materiality]-[nāma-rūpa],
its origin, its cessation, and the way leading to its cessation,
should search for a teacher in order to know this as it really
"Bhikkhus, one who does not know and see as
it really is consciousness-[viñnāṇa], its origin, its
cessation, and the way leading to its cessation, should search
for a teacher in order to know this as it really is.
. " Bhikkhus, one who does not know and see
as it really is volitional formations-[sankhāra], its
origin, its cessation, and the way leading to its cessation,
should search for a teacher in order to know this as it really
End sutta- Samyutta Nikaya- Bhikkhu Bodhi
In summary to this short discourse about "The
Teacher" (Nidānavagga Section 82 (1) given by the Buddha, says
that one should try to find a teacher who can guide them to a
clear understanding of the impersonal nature of the process of
Dependent Origination and teach them to use it in an applicable
way. This makes the meditation practice so valuable at Dhamma
Sukha Meditation Center. One reaches this kind of understanding
and learns HOW they can do the meditation ALL THE TIME and keep
it going in their daily lives. The practice is not confined to
the cushion and walking. This practice leads to relief through
the genuine change in perspective of the world that occurs;
moving from the personal perspective to the impersonal
perspective. As the students’ perspectives change, they change
the world around them too. This can truly lead us towards
engaged Buddhism and move towards Peace in the world around us
May you find real Happiness for your life and
reach Nibbāna quickly and easily in this very lifetime!
January 2006